Throwback Thursday

Guess what day it is? Not hump day.

It’s Thursday, which means that today, I have an excuse to be lazy and post old shit. Shout out to The Bloggess for the idea, and for randomly showing up on my Facebook feed a few minutes ago. Great idea.

Me, my mother and my little sister.

So this picture is kind of grainy, because it’s actually an iPhone picture of an actual picture. I was looking for pictures of the last time I was this thin (I was ten by the way, have I mentioned that?), and I came across this little gem. I’m pretty sure it’s from Christmas time somewhere around 1989. It’s me (obviously), my mother and my little sister. I’m fairly certain that my sister is smacking me in the face, my mother is yelling at her, and I’m probably teasing the crap out of her. Since that was a pretty standard thing. And my sister just looks happy to be smacking me in the face.

So there you have it. And now I will go back to knitting a pair of stupid yoga socks.


Because anything related to Wayne’s World is awesome.