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Monday’s Suck

Yes, I am fully aware of the fact that it’s not actually Monday. But it’s my Monday, so therefore it still sucks. So here’s a little something goofy to make it less suck-filled.

Ok, so I was listening to Pandora in my car, getting a little knitting done before work (did you know I have an Etsy shop? No? It’s awesome, you should go check it out), and this song came on. I realized I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying, that they may not even be actual words. I went to see Bob Dylan once (actually I was working where he was playing, worked out wonderfully for me), and he played Watchtower. I love Watchtower. I know all the words. He was not singing the words to Watchtower. All he was doing was emitting random noises from his mouth. And it was ok because he’s Bob Dylan. Same things applies here I guess.

Anyway, enjoy! 🙂

Edit: Wow, holy moly, what a dumb grammar nazi I am. I totally just realized that there is a typo in the title of this post! And you know what, I kind of like it. “Monday is Suck”. Yeah, I’m leaving it there.

6 thoughts on “Monday’s Suck

  1. I saw Bob Dylan once and had the same experience! Although he is one of my all time favorite artists, I have to say he sucked, I couldn’t understand anything. Luckily he wasn’t the main headliner just a bonus.


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